A whirlwind trip south of the equator. After spending 9 days at Wayqecha Biological Research Station, Gabby Salazar and I explored the Sacred Valley of the Incas starting at Machu Picchu and working our way back to Cuzco. I lost one day to illness, but it was one of our planned "down" days in Cuzco inbetween Wayqecha and the Sacred Valley. It still was not fun to experience "la tourista" first hand.. Beware, don't eat the chicken soup if you can see a chicken foot in your bowl.
The image today is a stitched pan from Machu Picchu. We got there just as the sun was rising across the mountains and the light was gorgeous. You can't take a tripod into Machu Picchu (variable enforcement, I saw one person with a small tripod) so all my pans were shot handheld. I used Photoshop CS5 and Photomerge to create this pan. After selecting the images in Lightroom 3 and playing with the White Balance and exposure on some of the images, I got the image that I wanted.
I am still sorting through the images, so I will post more (and some video) over the next several days...