Monday, June 7, 2010

Article in Paper

Dropping youngest son off at driving school (yes, almost there raising kids!), and friend was telling Joe that she saw my picture on the front page of the Knoxville News Sentinel newspaper.. In fact, several pictures.
I knew this was coming because I spoke to a friend of mine while working out last week. He is a reporter for the News Sentinel and also asks where I have been lately and what I have been doing. When I explained to him my trip to the Gulf, he asked to pursue a story.. Seems that the other people at the paper where interested enough to want to run the story.. Didn't know when it was going to run, but was nice to see some local color and spin on the Gulf Oil Spill.
Right now I am trying to get things worked out to go back down next week and shoot more..
May pick different spots this time and then go back the first week of August to follow up on all the spots I've shot so far.
Depends on how far and how much the oil is impacting over the next 2 months.
All this travel is being down while also trying to get ready for wedding on July 3rd.. Rebecca has been extremely supportive and encouraging during this environmental crisis during the preparation for our marriage.. See her image of me in the article below.

Go to Knoxville News Sentinel to see the article in Monday June7th paper...

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